Refund Policy

At OnLinker LLC, we strive to deliver top-quality web traffic services and ensure customer satisfaction. However, we understand that circumstances may arise where you might need a refund. Our refund policy is designed to be fair, transparent, and accommodating. Please take some time to review our refund policy before placing your order.
1. Eligibility for Refund:
You may be eligible for a refund if any of the following situations occur:
  • The service was not delivered as promised within the specified timeframe.
  • The delivered traffic does not match the targeted criteria you selected during the order. (Wrong keywords or incorrectly targeted country)
  • There are issues with our system that prevent us from fulfilling your order effectively due to Technical problems
  • You didn’t receive the exact amount of traffic ordered from your package. (However, we can resend the traffic again at no extra cost instead of refunding your order.)
  • Your website is not available on the internet, or the link is broken.
2. Requesting a Refund:
To request a refund, please follow these steps:
  1. Submit a Refund request on the contact page: or send an email to
  2. In the email, provide order details, such as your website link, invoice, date of purchase, and a brief explanation of the issue.
  3. Please allow us 24-48 hours to review your refund request and determine if you are eligible for a refund based on our policy.
  4. If you are eligible, we will cancel your order and process your refund on the same day. Please note that refunds may take 7–14 days to appear in your bank account.
3. Verification Process:
In some cases, we may require additional information or verification.
(For example, verify that the order was placed by the owner of the credit card and that it’s not fraudulent activity.) Please cooperate with our team during this process.
4. Partial Refunds:
In some cases, if only a portion of the service was not delivered as expected, we can offer two options:
  • Offer a partial refund that corresponds to the undelivered part of the service 
  • Re-send the full traffic again at no extra cost.
5. Non-Eligible Refund Situations:
Please note that refunds will not be provided in the following scenarios:
  • If you want to request a refund even though the service was fully delivered (Unless there was an exceptional issue with the traffic.),
  • If we discover viruses, trojans, malware, and illegal content, such as drugs and alcohol, firearms and explosives, gambling, and hateful content, that have put visitors at risk, we will cancel your order immediately without a refund.
  • If you request a refund months after your order was completed,
Your obligations when using our services:
  • If you choose to file a dispute instead of asking for a refund from our company, you will owe all fees and related expenses to that chargeback.
  • Always communicate with our team about your order issues before requesting a refund or dispute, so we can work together to solve the problem faster.
  • You agree that once your order is complete, you will not file a dispute against us for any reason. If you do file a chargeback or a dispute against us after your order is fulfilled, we reserve the right to terminate any of your future orders.
  • Always provide safe links for visitors, not spam, viruses, or illegal content.
  • Always provide the correct information to promote your website. If you provided the wrong keywords or the wrong target country, but you already paid and placed your order, please contact our support team to fix that.
6. Processing Time for Refunds:
Once your refund request is approved, we will initiate the refund process. The time it takes for the refund to be processed may vary depending on your payment method and financial institution. Usually, refunds take 7–14 days to arrive at your bank.
7. Payment Method Considerations:
Refunds will be issued through the same payment method used for the original purchase. If the payment method is not available for a refund, contact our support team, and we will work with you to find a suitable alternative.
8. Changes to the Refund Policy:
We reserve the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time. We will notify customers of any changes through our website or by direct communication.
If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team at:
We are here to assist you and ensure that you have a positive experience with our services.